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Red Elephant Kratom (Natural Pain Relief)

Written by: The Konnexion

A person in bliss after taking Red Elephant Kratom

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Red Elephant Kratom, extracted from the lush leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree in Sumatra, provides profound relief from pain and anxiety through its abundant alkaloid content, notably featuring high levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine.

These compounds are renowned for their roles in promoting relaxation and easing discomfort. Praised for its effectiveness in managing pain, enhancing mood, and diminishing stress, Red Elephant Kratom alleviates muscle and joint pain while promoting emotional well-being. Further exploration reveals its varied benefits and the best practices for enhancing health and daily vitality.

Fun fact: Despite Kratom’s widespread use and historical medicinal properties, it was only formally identified by science in the early 19th century by the Dutch botanist Pieter Willem Korthals.

Related: Types Of Kratom

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Key Takeaways

  • Red Elephant Kratom sourced from Mitragyna speciosa in Sumatra
  • High in 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine, known for pain relief
  • Provides anxiety and stress relief by affecting mood-related brain receptors
  • Acts as a natural sedative, improving sleep quality and reducing muscle tension
  • Enhances mood by stimulating dopamine centers, promoting calmness and euphoria

Table of Contents:

Best Red Elephant Kratom

Kona Kratom and Kratom Krush offer premium Red Elephant Kratom, renowned for its potent soothing effects on anxiety and calmness, derived from the red vein strain of Mitragyna speciosa.

Valued by the Kratom community, Red Elephant Kratom is beneficial for both novices and connoisseurs. It alleviates mental stress and fosters tranquility, making it a reliable choice for those exploring natural stress relief methods.

They are offered in various quantities and as capsules, catering to diverse preferences and needs. These products merge affordability with efficacy, enhancing your wellness journey with dependable quality.

Red Elephant Kratom from Kona Kratom

Price: $54.99 – $279.99

  • Great Customer Reviews
  • No Additives
  • High Potency
  • Third Party Lab Testing
  • Coupon code (20% discount and free shipping): konnexion20
  • Mitragynine Level Not Advertised
  • Doesn’t Post Lab Results Online


  • 250 grams
  • 500 grams
  • 1,000 grams


  • 350
  • 700
  • 1500
  • It’s a mild red kratom. It’s not really that potent so I would say that it’s a good strain for beginners.
  • Customer Loyalty Program
  • The Kratom is sourced directly from reputable farmers in Indonesia and Southeast Asia
  • 30-Day Full Refund Guarantee
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Free Shipping Over $29.99


Product Review


30-day money-back guarantee on all orders, 100% satisfaction guarantee

Red Elephant Kratom from Kratom Krush

Price: $10.95 – $76.99

  • 100% organically-grown premium-grade kratom
  • Non-GMO and free from heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria
  • Third Party Lab Testing
  • No Red Elephant Kratom Capsules
  • Mitragynine Level Not Advertised
  • Doesn’t Post Lab Results Online
  • No Customer Loyalty Program


  • 50 grams
  • 100 grams
  • 250 grams
  • 500 grams
  • 1,000 grams
  • Unable to view customer reviews
  • 45-day money-back guarantee
  • No Free Shipping


Product Review


45-day money-back guarantee on all orders

What is Red Elephant Kratom?

Red Elephant Kratom Tree

The preparation of Red Elephant Kratom involves distinct steps:

  1. Harvesting: Mature leaves, rich in alkaloids, are selected.
  2. Drying: Exposed to the sun in Indonesia’s humid air, the leaves undergo oxidation, enhancing the mitragynine content.
  3. Fermentation: A three-day period intensifies the 7-hydroxymitragynine level, augmenting its sedative properties.
  4. Grinding: The fermented leaves are processed into a fine powder, preserving their powerful effects.

This diligent method not only amplifies the therapeutic benefits but also maintains consistency, making Red Elephant Kratom a reliable choice for those exploring natural pain solutions.

The name ‘Red Elephant‘ stems from the unusually large size of its leaves, reminiscent of elephant ears. This strain fosters a sense of relaxation and well-being among its users, reflecting its social significance in herbal medicine circles.

The evocative name and the serene effects it elicits also contribute to its distinctive identity, resonating deeply on an emotional level with those seeking respite from discomfort.

Related: Red Vein Kratom

Health Benefits of Red Elephant Kratom

Red Elephant Kratom Effects Chart 1024

Kratom exhibits dual effects depending on dosage: it stimulates at lower levels, inducing heightened alertness and vigor, while at higher levels, it induces sedation and alleviates pain. Historically, in Southeast Asia, Kratom has served as a remedy for various ailments and enhancers of endurance for manual laborers.

Presently, its usage primarily centers around its cognitive enhancement and analgesic properties. Scientific research reveals that mitragynine, a key component of Kratom, acts as a partial agonist at mu-opioid receptors, similar to morphine but with reduced respiratory depression risks. Its interaction with neurotransmitter systems, encompassing serotonin, dopamine, and adrenergic receptors, underscores its multifaceted effects [1,2].

Relieves Pain

Red Elephant Kratom, abundant in the alkaloid mitragynine and acting on the body’s opioid receptors, effectively alleviates discomfort by mimicking the effects of natural analgesics, crucially blocking the perception of pain [2].

Red Elephant Kratom offers comprehensive benefits in pain management:

  1. Mitragynine Content: This principal alkaloid engages with the body’s pain receptors, offering relief similar to endogenous painkillers.
  2. Reduction of Inflammation: The herb curtails the synthesis of PGE(2), an inflammation-inducing agent, thus diminishing swelling and related discomfort [3].
  3. Muscle and Joint Pain Alleviation: The analgesic qualities of this Kratom variant bring relief to chronic muscular and skeletal pain, presenting a herbal alternative to artificial analgesics [4].
  4. Neural Pain Blockade: Mitragynine further serves in obstructing neural pathways responsible for pain, effectively managing neuropathic pain.

These properties position Red Elephant Kratom as a compelling choice for those seeking natural pain relief strategies.

Anxiety Relief

Red Elephant Kratom, a potent herb belonging to the coffee family and containing mitragynine as its main component, effectively alleviates anxiety and depression by binding with brain receptors associated with mood, offering significant relief for those experiencing social unease and anxiety [5,6].

This herb alleviates physical discomforts like muscle stiffness and restlessness, promoting a calm state. Its dual capability of easing mental and physical strains positions it as a preferable choice over conventional medicinal treatments, which often bring substantial adverse effects.

For those frequently encountering panic episodes or requiring additional mental health support, Red Elephant emerges as a robust ally. It not only diminishes anxiety but also boosts self-worth and strengthens emotional resilience. This support is vital for those on the journey to mental equilibrium.

Stress & Relaxation

Red Elephant Kratom, a potent botanical strain, reduces daily stressors and fosters profound relaxation, catering to the contemporary need for mental and physical tranquility amidst the pressures of modern life.

  1. Cortisol Levels: Mitragynine, a component of Red Elephant Kratom, reduces cortisol. Lowering cortisol lessens bodily stress, akin to the effects of some mood stabilizers [7].
  2. Mental State Enhancement: The botanical induces serenity, elevating spirits and aiding in stress management.
  3. Tension Relief: The herb serves as a natural muscle relaxer, easing both corporeal and psychological strain.

Enhances Sleep

Red Elephant Kratom, a potent natural sedative interacting with the body’s opioid receptors, promotes deep sleep by alleviating muscle tension and mental agitation, crucial for combating insomnia and ensuring a restorative sleep cycle, facilitating swift sleep onset and enhancing relaxation.

Individuals with sleep disturbances find Red Elephant Kratom beneficial; it accelerates sleep onset and enhances sleep quality, important for overall health and daytime alertness. This herb acts as a potent tool for those seeking a balanced and healthy sleep pattern.

Improves Mood

Red Elephant Kratom, a botanical substance, boosts mood by activating brain dopamine centers, inducing feelings of euphoria and calm, while also relieving discomfort and positively influencing emotional states [8].

The uplift in spirits from Red Elephant Kratom stems from multiple sources:

  1. Dopamine Stimulation: This herb targets brain pleasure centers, pivotal for emotional regulation and reward sensations.
  2. Cognitive Enhancement: Sharpening mental processes, the herb clears thoughts and boosts concentration, indirectly lifting spirits.
  3. Stress Reduction: Its soothing properties diminish tension and worry, fostering a more optimistic mindset.
  4. Social Benefits: Enhanced ease and confidence in interactions benefit those with social apprehensions.

These advantages lead to a marked enhancement of mental health. Consumers often experience notable mood improvements, leading to enriched personal and professional relationships and a heightened life quality.

Table 1: Health Benefits of Red Elephant Kratom



Pain Relief

Mitragynine targets opioid receptors, reducing inflammation and neural pain

Anxiety Relief

Binds with serotonin and dopamine receptors, alleviating anxiety and depression

Stress Reduction

Lowers cortisol levels, induces mental and physical relaxation

Sleep Enhancement

Acts as a sedative, eases muscle tension, and promotes restorative sleep

Mood Improvement

Stimulates dopamine centers, enhances cognitive function, and reduces stress

Red Elephant Kratom Dosing

Red Elephant Kratom 1

Smaller amounts of Kratom generally yield stimulating results, enhancing mood and boosting vitality. Larger amounts, conversely, aid in relaxation and alleviate discomfort. Monitoring bodily reactions to each increment is crucial for identifying the most beneficial dosage that balances stimulation or relaxation without negative consequences.

Consistency and precise adjustment are essential in determining the right amount of Red Elephant Kratom tailored to individual needs.

Table 2: Red Elephant Kratom Dosing


Recommended Dose


1 to 2 grams

Anxiety Relief

2 to 5 grams

Pain Relief

3 to 8 grams


4 to 8 grams

How to Use Red Elephant Kratom

Red Elephant Kratom Cookies

Kratom powder can be consumed using the Toss N’ Wash method, Reverse Toss N’ Wash method, Oblate Discs, Kratom Tea, or with food and drinks. Leaves can be chewed or brewed into tea. Each method has its own advantages and considerations, requiring careful evaluation for effectiveness and convenience.

Drinking powder is the easiest way to take Kratom. Mixing it with orange juice is the simplest approach, balancing convenience, taste masking, and rapid absorption. Avoid smoking or vaping Kratom due to health risks and reduced efficacy, as heat degrades essential alkaloids.

  • Place the desired dose in your mouth, followed by water.
  • Quick onset of effects.
  • Most traditional form of Kratom.
  • Pros: Cost-effective, easy to use, precise dosing.
  • Cons: Bitter taste, not discrete, not portable.
  • Place water in mouth first, then add Kratom.
  • Reduces taste and throat irritation, avoids inhaling powder.
  • May need additional water to clear remnants.
  • Thin, edible films from potato starch.
  • Easier to swallow, can hold more powder, no artificial additives.
  • Dissolves quickly in water, reducing taste.
  • Pros: Efficient, less taste, more powder capacity.
  • Convenient, pre-measured doses.
  • Pros: No bitter taste, less messy, portable, keeps Kratom fresh.
  • Cons: Slower onset, more expensive, need multiple capsules for a dose.
  • Brew from powder or leaves in hot (not boiling) water.
  • Add sweeteners or flavorings to mask bitterness.
  • Effects are smoother but can degrade with prolonged exposure to heat.
  • Conceal taste by mixing with acidic juices, smoothies, or food.
  • Takes longer for effects to kick in.
  • Pros: Taste masked, versatile in various recipes.
  • Pre-made food items with Kratom.
  • Typically includes cookies, brownies, chocolates, etc.

Fun fact: Kratom’s use dates back centuries, primarily in Southeast Asia, where it was traditionally used by manual laborers to endure long hours.

Duration of Effects: Onset to Peak

Red Elephant Kratom 2

The rate of metabolism greatly influences the timing and intensity of these effects. Individuals with a rapid metabolism might find the effects appear and dissipate quickly, while those with a slower pace may enjoy a more enduring experience.

The unique properties of the Red Elephant, noted for its potent effects, also play a critical role in determining the duration of its impact. The method of consumption further modifies this timeline: the powdered form often leads to a more immediate sensation, whereas capsules provide a steadier release of effects.

Red Elephant Kratom Side Effects

Red Elephant Kratom 3

Prolonged use of this herbal remedy poses risks, potentially leading to both physical and psychological dependence [12]. Withdrawal symptoms and growing tolerance make quitting difficult, necessitating higher doses for the same effects. Caution and awareness are vital to minimize these dangers.

The effects of Kratom on pregnancy are unclear. Research on Kratom use before, during, and after pregnancy is scant. However, some reports indicate infants born to mothers who regularly consume Kratom may exhibit opioid-like neonatal abstinence syndrome [13].

Managing Tolerance and Rotation

Red Elephant Kratom Leaf

Introducing a variety of strains enriches the experience, offering a wider array of effects and properties. Each strain possesses its own unique alkaloid makeup, reducing the likelihood of tolerance development. A routine schedule that cycles through different types ensures that no single type dominates, keeping the body receptive to the therapeutic effects of Kratom.

Managing this rotation effectively requires a structured approach, where users rotate their Kratom types periodically, ensuring a fresh experience with each type. This practice not only sustains the beneficial impacts of Kratom but also enhances the user’s engagement with the substance.

Alternating between varieties maintains Kratom’s efficacy. Examples include:

Fun fact: The term ‘Kratom’ originates from Thailand and is traditionally used in many Southeast Asian cultures for its medicinal properties.

People Also Ask

Can Red Elephant Kratom Affect Your Appetite?

Red Elephant Kratom may alter appetite, increasing or decreasing it based on individual responses and dosage, so users should monitor effects closely.

Is Red Elephant Kratom Safe for Pregnant Women?

It is generally advised that pregnant women avoid consumption due to insufficient research on safety and possible risks to fetal health. Consulting a healthcare provider before use is strongly recommended.

Does Red Elephant Kratom Interact With Prescription Medications?

Yes, it can interact with prescription medications by influencing their metabolism, which may result in increased side effects or prolonged effectiveness.

Can Red Elephant Kratom Be Detected in a Drug Test?

Red Elephant Kratom, though not included in standard drug screens, can be detected by specialized tests depending on their sensitivity and specificity.

Is Red Elephant Kratom Legal in All US States?

The legality of this substance, varying by state within the United States, necessitates consulting local laws, as some states enforce specific restrictions or bans on its use and possession.

Final Thoughts

Red Elephant Kratom, derived from the large leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa plant in Sumatra, stands out as a potent herbal supplement renowned for its substantial pain-relief and calming properties, enhanced through a unique preparation process of harvesting, drying, fermentation, and grinding.

The high alkaloid content, particularly of 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine, contributes to its effectiveness in managing pain, reducing anxiety, and promoting relaxation and better sleep.

The strain’s name, inspired by its large, elephant ear-like leaves, reflects its significant impact and social resonance among users. The various methods of consumption, from powders to capsules, allow flexibility, though users should be mindful of side effects and the importance of managing tolerance through rotation.

Red Elephant Kratom’s natural properties offer a compelling alternative for those seeking holistic pain relief and emotional balance, embodying a tradition rooted in the herbal practices of Southeast Asia.

Related: Red Asia Kratom

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Related: Best Kratom for Sleep (7 Top Products)


  1. Chen, Yiming. POLYPHARMACOLOGY OF MITRAGYNA SPECIOSA (“Kratom”) ALKALOIDS. Mercer University Research Scholarship and Archives. 2023
  2. Marion A. Coe, Janine L. Pillitteri, Mark A. Sembower, Karen K. Gerlach, Jack E. Henningfield. Kratom as a substitute for opioids: Results from an online survey. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Volume 202. 2019. Pages 24-32.
  3. Utar Z, Majid MI, Adenan MI, Jamil MF, Lan TM. Mitragynine inhibits the COX-2 mRNA expression and prostaglandin E₂ production induced by lipopolysaccharide in RAW264.7 macrophage cells. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Jun 14;136(1):75-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2011.04.011. Epub 2011 Apr 12. PMID: 21513785.
  4. Somsmorn Chittrakarn, Niwat Keawpradub, Kitja Sawangjaroen, Supaporn Kansenalak, Benjamas Janchawee. The neuromuscular blockade produced by pure alkaloid, mitragynine and methanol extract of Kratom leaves (Mitragyna speciosa Korth. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Volume 129, Issue 3. 2010.
  5. Marc T. Swogger, Zach Walsh. Kratom use and mental health: A systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Volume 183. 2018. Pages 134-140. ISSN 0376-8716
  6. Johnson LE, Balyan L, Magdalany A, Saeed F, Salinas R, Wallace S, Veltri CA, Swogger MT, Walsh Z, Grundmann O. The Potential for Kratom as an Antidepressant and Antipsychotic. Yale J Biol Med. 2020 Jun 29;93(2):283-289. PMID: 32607089; PMCID: PMC7309668.
  7. Johnson LE, Balyan L, Magdalany A, Saeed F, Salinas R, Wallace S, Veltri CA, Swogger MT, Walsh Z, Grundmann O. The Potential for Kratom as an Antidepressant and Antipsychotic. Yale J Biol Med. 2020 Jun 29;93(2):283-289. PMID: 32607089; PMCID: PMC7309668.
  8. Metastasio Antonio, Prevete Elisabeth, Singh Darshan, Grundmann Oliver, Prozialeck Walter C., Veltri Charles, Bersani Giuseppe, Corazza Ornella. Can Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) Alleviate COVID-19 Pain? A Case Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. VOLUME 11. YEAR 2020. DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.594816
  9. Albert Garcia-Romeu, David J. Cox, Kirsten E. Smith, Kelly E. Dunn, Roland R. Griffiths. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): User demographics, use patterns, and implications for the opioid epidemic. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Volume 208. 2020. 
  10. Albert Garcia-Romeu et al. Natural Herb Kratom May Have Therapeutic Effects And Relatively Low Potential For Abuse Or Harm, According To A User Survey. Hopkins Medicine. 2020.
  11. Wahbeh, Abdullah et al. “Adverse Health Effects of Kratom: An Analysis of Social Media Data.” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2021).
  12. Zurina Hassan, Mustapha Muzaimi, Visweswaran Navaratnam, Nurul H.M. Yusoff, Farah W. Suhaimi, Rajakumar Vadivelu, Balasingam K. Vicknasingam, Davide Amato, Stephan von Hörsten, Nurul I.W. Ismail, Nanthini Jayabalan, Ammar I. Hazim, Sharif M. Mansor, Christian P. Müller. From Kratom to mitragynine and its derivatives: Physiological and behavioural effects related to use, abuse, and addiction. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Volume 37. Issue 2. 2013. Pages 138-151.
  13. Wright, M.E., Ginsberg, C., Parkison, A.M. et al. Outcomes of mothers and newborns to prenatal exposure to Kratom: a systematic review. J Perinatol 41, 1236–1243 (2021).

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